Children’s Liturgy

Ministers of children’s liturgy provide a beautiful service to the Church, as they prepare and provide an age-appropriate experience of the Liturgy of the Word for our parishes’ children.

The RC Diocese of Aberdeen has recently published guidelines for children’s liturgists as they prepare the sessions for the children:

Explore Weekly:

Explore Weekly is a completely FREE “take-home” activity sheet for primary school-aged children aimed at reinforcing what is learnt during a Children’s Liturgy session in a fun and appropriate way. Each week gospel-focused reflection, prayer and a variety of activities will engage children on their faith journeys.

Not just for use at Children’s Liturgy Sessions – They are currently being used in schools, clubs and more! Created by a Catechist from the Diocese of Aberdeen. Published every Saturday!

2025 Footsteps to the Cross Lenten Calendar:

‘Give alms…pray to your Father…fast, [but] do not look gloomy’ (Matthew 6:2-16)

Each Lent we are asked to especially focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These three pillars help us grow in faith and prepare as we journey towards Easter. Before Lent begins use these three pillars to decide on your Lenten Promises, then follow this calendar to guide your personal journey during this Lenten period.

Designed for children but suitable for all the family, Footsteps to the Cross Lenten Calendar provides a simple daily reflection, prayer or activity to help guide your journey towards Easter.

Useful Links: