Catechesis for Children and the Family

The Catholic Church is aware of the difficulties in raising children in the faith. The Apostolic Exhortation, Catechesis in our Time states: “Family catechesis, therefore, precedes, accompanies, and enriches all other forms of catechesis. Furthermore, in places where anti-religious legislation endeavors even to prevent education in the faith, and in places where widespread unbelief or invasive secularism makes real religious growth practically impossible, “the church of the home” remains the one place where children and young people can receive an authentic catechesis. Thus there cannot be too great an effort on the part of Christian parents to prepare for this ministry of being their own children’s catechists and to carry it out with tireless zeal. Encouragement must also be given to the individuals or institutions that, through person-to-person contacts, through meetings, and through all kinds of pedagogical means, help parents to perform their task: the service they are doing to catechesis is beyond price.” Catechesi Tradendae (Catechesis in our Time #68)

The Ogilvie Centre is eager to assist parishes and catechists as they work with families in deepening their faith.</span<

Useful Resources:

Resurrection Eggs Activity (ENG & PL):

A lovely way to explore the Easter story is by using Resurrection Eggs. Each egg contains a symbol of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus, making for an interactive, flexible and fun way to talk about each part of the story, either as a family, couple or individual. They are simple to make (and cheap – use things from around your house!)

Uroczym sposobem na poznanie historii Wielkanocnej jest użycie plastikowych jaj . Każde jajko zawiera symbol Męki i Zmartwychwstania Jezusa, co stanowi interaktywny, elastyczny i przyjemny sposób na rozmowę o każdej części historii zbawienia dla całej rodziny. Są proste do zrobienia (i tanie – użyj rzeczy które masz w domu!)

Other Family Formation Links:

    • 52 Sundays – A dynamic guide to each Sunday’s Gospel with prayer, activities, recipes, and more! A fun way to spend time as a family while learning about the Catholic faith.
    • Catholic Kids Media (Youtube) – Fun Catholic video reflection for kids based on the Sunday readings.
    • Praying as a Family – Prayer nurtures the life of the family. It opens hearts, melts away resentments, fosters gratitude, and becomes a fount of grace, peace, and joy for the entire family.
    • Virtues in Practice Programme – A program for children in pre-school through to S2 to grow closer to Jesus by imitating His life and virtues. The program covers 27 virtues over a three-year cycle, with 81 saints held up as models of the virtues.
    • Look to Him and Be Radiant – An excellent range of engaging educational resources for Catholic homes and classrooms.
    • Catholic Mother – Lovely online shop that sells Catholic gifts for babies and children.
    • Sycamore Sacramental Preparation and Catechesis– Explore these great comprehensive courses and supplemental resources for all ages!